Some old rantings
If anyone have watched the anime "Neon Genesis Evangelion" by Gainax Studios one might have come across this idea in the last two episodes, that is we, humans, are defined by others. In everyone who knows me, I leave a unique presence in their memory, in their heart. For example, for a friend whom I do not know very well, I know that he/she as a kind-hearted lovely person. Little do I know that that is a facade in front of me. When being with people whom he/she is close to, they may appear differently. But within my heart, I'll always know that person as that unless I gain a different perspective. All I know is that at least for now, that is my truth. And with that, I define others, in my own terms as do others define me.
Let's than take this a little further; is ones existence defined by others? Like a tree that fell in the middle of a forest, but no one or animal is there to hear or see it. Did the fallen tree produce a sound? Does the sound exist? If one day, I wake up and realise that people completely ignore my existence, do I exist?
However, the answer to all these questions are simple. I once read a qoute from the French philosopher, Rene Decartes saying "I think therefore I am". Strangely, such a seemingly simple arguement, is what that defines complicated beings like us. The very fact that we are capable of thought guides and defines us, it gives our emotions a shape, our personality a form. Hence we're all guided by this simple rule and live in this hustle bustle world. Although our very thoughts define ourselves, how many of us out there really understand and know our thoughts well enough to actually know ourselves?